速報APP / 商業 / Automation tools

Automation tools





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本



Automation tools(圖1)-速報App

This application was created with the aim to bring together small programs that I call (modules) designed to help people like me who takes care electric automation.

Additional modules will be added over time to make it even more relevant to engineers.


Save in text format the result of calculations.

Module Motor Gear box

With Motor gearbox you can calculate:

- For the motor -

• Stator speed.

• Rotor speed.

• Angular speed.

Automation tools(圖2)-速報App

• Motor Power.

• Rated torque.

- For the gearbox -

• Reduced shaft RPM.

• Herz shaft.

• Period shaft.

• Angular speed.

• Shaft torque.

Module Sonar Calculator

With Sonar Calculator you can calculate:

Automation tools(圖3)-速報App

• The analog value as a function of the distance measured.

• The diameter of the cone as a function of the distance measured.

• The total volume of the cone.

• The partial volume of the cone as a function of the distance measured.

• The total area of the cone as a function of the distance measured.

• The lateral surface of the cone as a function of the distance measured.

• The time it takes for the sonar to reach the object and come back.

With RTD Calculator you can calculate:

• RTD temperature probe according to DIN EN 60751.

• Tolerance class AA, A, B, and C.

Automation tools(圖4)-速報App

• Temperature can be Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.

Simple Chrono.

Sometimes you have the necessity to measure in how many seconds, a motor starts or a valve opens.

In this case, this stopwatch it could come handy

• Table for:

PT100 & PT1000 RTD Table conversion

Thermocouple Table conversion

Pressure Table conversion

This is a BETA version, please email us if you come across any errors.

If you like the program, please rate, review, and make a small donation!

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Automation tools(圖6)-速報App